Ender Goktepe
He was born in 1952 in Ankara, Turkey. He completed his studies in Istanbul up until High School then moved back to Ankara where he was born and raised. His father Sabri Goktepe, who was a world wide known oud manufacturer was always aware of his son's talent. Sabri GOKTEPE had always been the biggest supporter of his son and was always beside him throughout his college education at Art Institute of Ulus.Growing up around talented musicians was one of the biggest advantages he's had throughout his career. Not to mention, his father Sabri GOKTEPE was always there to help him with any help he might have needed.
During his teenage years , it didn't take him to long to impress drum players where he later started to play rhythmic instruments around. After a short period of time, he made a big impact in Turkish traditional music industry and started to play around big names.

With the exportation of 25 ouds and 10 Kanoun to Yemen at once, Goktepe Family, who started manufacturing musical instruments in 1970's, became a name to look for in the middle east around 1980's.Within a period of 6 months, Goktepe Family exported over 300 Ouds to Middle East where they started using a whole new mass production technique which later on was called as a new era of Oud Production.
In 1980, he came up with a new technology where he made the tune of oud's soundboard sound differently than the usual. In order to do that, he chaged the size, measurement and fingerboard glsas of an oud's body and made the oud sound much more stronger and beautiful. In his 40 years of career , lots of famous oud players played his ouds and he manufactured over 15000 ouds. He continues manufacturing and works with his music producer son Mehmet Goktepe.